Marketing & Communications Committee:
Mission: Through different communication tools, this Committee’s focus is to increase awareness and inform current families, new families, parishioners, alumni of the school’s offerings and successes, as well as sustaining and increasing enrollment.
Contact: Chair – Carolyn Hughes – [email protected]
Events Committee:
Mission: Bring the St. Francis Xavier school community together through fun events by generating financial support for the school and our programs. These events provide an opportunity to meet new families and/or reconnect with friends.
Contact: Co-chairs - Katie Botta [email protected]
Katlyn Salvatore [email protected]
Programs Committee:
Mission: This committee will focus on programs with the goal of enriching and/or enhancing the student/teacher experience within the school. Programming ideas could be but not limited to: litter clean up, student appreciation day, teacher appreciation day, book fair, communication with classroom parents, etc.
Contact: Chair – Alison Mezzanotte – [email protected]
Technology Committee:
Mission: Assess the needs of St. Francis Xavier School to identify specific goals/targets for technology upgrades and investments, as well as encouraging student academic success and professional growth among the staff
Contact: Chair – Kara Lecker – [email protected]
Athletics Committee:
Mission: This committee will focus on building and maintaining quality CYO Athletics programs with the St. Francis Xavier parish and school. It will promote Catholic values through participation in sports guided by the Parish Priests, Archdiocese of Philadelphia CYO Director, and CYO Handbook. It will foster good communication with parish and school leadership, potential coaches, and students and families. It will serve to promote continuity from year to year for athletic programs.
Contact: Chair – Jennifer Timony – [email protected]